OBD-2 ISO 9141-2 (14230-4, KWP2000) simple RS-232 cable schematic pinout PDF Print E-mail

Simple OBD-2 iso9141-2 RS-232 cable  schema


R1,2,6,7,9,10 - 560 ohm, 0.25W
R3,4,5,8 - 4K7 OHM, 0.125w
T1 - BC556 or 2N3906
T2,T3 - BC546 or 2N3904

Tx is -12V when inactive. therefore the diagram correctly shows that r4 goes to tx because it uses the -12V to pull down Rx when RS232 is in Rx mode.

Copyright 2009 (c) Limitless Designs LLC.