Honda (2003-2004) In-Dash Sound System Connector pinout PDF Print E-mail

Pin arrangement as viewed from the wiring harness connectors:

______________________  ________________
|1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10| |1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
|11121314151617181920| |8 9 1011121314|

Pin arrangement as viewed from the back of the head unit:

|7 6 5 4 3 2 1|109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 |
|14131211109 8|20191817161514131211|
Description (may be empty)
1 BATT Continuous +12V From Battery
2 ILM Illumination
3 FL+ Front Left Speaker +
4 FR+ Front Right Speaker +
5 RL+ Rear Left Speaker +
6 RR+ Rear Right Speaker +
7 GND Unknown, Not Connected
8 H-RC Remote Volume Control
9 ACC Accessory +12V From Ignition
10 TU+B Antenna*
11 GND Chassis Ground (-12V)
12 ILM CONT Illumination Control
13 FL- Front Left Speaker -
14 FR- Front Rigth Speaker -
15 RL- Rear Left Speaker -
16 RR- Rear Right Speaker -
17 NC Not Connected
18 NAVI L Navigation Left Audio Input*
19 NAVI R Navigation Right Audio Input*
20 NAVI GND Navigation Ground*

* Some Models - This functionality is not available in all head units. (Necessary components are not soldered onto the circuit board)

CD Changer Connector


Description (may be empty)
1 ILM Illumination
2 GND Chassis Ground (-12V)
3 ACC Accessory +12V From Ignition
4 BUS Communications Bus Signal1
5 NC Not Connected
6 CHG-Rch Right Channel Audio Input1
7 SHILD GND Audio Ground1
8 ILM CONT Illumination Control
9 BATT Continuous +12V From Battery
10 GND Chassis Ground (-12V)2
11 BUS GND Communication Bus Ground12
12 BUS SHILD Bus Shield12
13 CHG-Lch Left Channell Auido Input1
14 SH-GND Ground, Unknown1

1 Shielded cable
2 Connected to ground plane


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